Message Log

The Debug Server's Message Log makes your Workers applications both more transparent and more accessible during run-time. The Message Log serves the following purposes:

  • to show the flow of messages sent between Worker MHL cases at run-time

  • to show you when and where any errors have occurred in your application

  • provides direct code access to Worker MHL cases through the right-click menu

  • displays user debug messages

An example of the Message Log is shown below, showing the various messages that have been sent between Workers MHL cases, including the occurrence of an error.


Every time a message is sent to a Workers MHL within a Workers application, you will see a record of the message appear as a row in the Message Log. The following information about the message is provided in the Message Log's columns.

Count (sec)

This column exists on the very right of the Message Log, and contains a high-resolution timestamp of when the message was enqueued (provided by the LabVIEW palette VI: High Resolution Relative It is not possible to disable this column.


Provides a human-readable low resolution timestamp of when a message was enqueued.

Enque Worker

The ID or alias of the Worker that enqueued the message.

Enque Case

The MHL case that the message was enqueued from.

Deque Worker

The ID or alias of the Worker that dequeued the message.

Deque Case

The MHL case that received the message.


The priority of the message.


Messages sent between MHL cases do not contain an additional message string. This column is reserved for use by error and user messages.

Error Message

Sent by the framework's Error which exists after the case structure in every Worker MHL. If an error is received on this VI's error in input terminal, the error will be sent to the Message Log. The timestamp for the message is created within Error

Good to know

Error can be placed anywhere in your code where you want to catch errors to be sent to the Message Log.

User Message

Sent by use of the Worker's palette VI: Send Debugger Users can place this VI anywhere in their code when they want to send a custom message to the Message Log. The timestamp for the message is created within Send Debugger

Good to know

The Enque and Deque columns contain data for both error and user messages. This data comes from the MHL case that sent the error or user message, allowing you to see, for example, which Worker MHL case sent the error or user message (i.e. Deque Worker and Deque Case).

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